Yearly Archives: 2018

Retail Tablet POS Encourages Upselling and Cross-Selling

Retail Tablet POS Encourages Upselling and Cross-Selling If you aren’t upselling and cross-selling in your retail store, you’re likely leaving money on the table. Done correctly, these tactics can enable you to increase sales, while helping customers get the most out of their purchases and improving customer service all at the same time. Your tablet point of sale (POS) system is a key to successful upselling and cross-selling processes. Upselling entails offering a pricier version […]

Touch Dynamic Quest Tablet

Software Engineering, Software Integration

Software Engineering: Integration Testing for Reliability

Software Engineering: Integration Testing for Reliability To ensure the reliability and stability of our integration products, all development projects have gone through different types of functional and non-functional testing which includes performance testing, usability testing, security testing, regression testing, and stress testing, which are crucial to software engineering. By Charlie Wu, Software Engineer In a fast-paced retail environment that processes a large number of daily transactions, it is critical for retailers to have an efficient […]

Best Practices for Using Microsoft RMS with Windows 10

Best Practices for Using Microsoft RMS with Windows 10 Using Microsoft RMS with Windows 10 OS? Windows 10 is a great Operating System, but it has a few new features that can cause issues when used with POS software such as Microsoft RMS. By Sean Pride, Service Technician To date, most Microsoft RMS and Windows users have probably upgraded to Windows 10. Windows 10 is a great Operating System, but it has a few new […]

Data Recovery: What Is Your Backup Solution Doing for You?

Data Recovery: What Is Your Backup Solution Doing for You? So much of the backup software marketing out there is focused on compliance, data protection, real-time protection, cloud backup, downtime, loss of information, security and automation, with less emphasis on data backup recovery. You do not often see terms like “recovery time” or “recovery success rate”. Perhaps it’s time to place more emphasis on the recovery options and their reliability when selecting a backup solution. […]

Point of Sale Security Best Practices

Point of Sale Security Best Practices Enterprises should take several measures to improve point of sale security, prevent POS malware infections and avoid POS data breaches. By New West Technologies Service Team There are several key practices that every retailer should have in place, or work diligently toward implementing, in order to help prevent data breaches at the point of sale (POS). It’s important for you to acknowledge that all POS systems do have at […]

EBT, SNAP, and WIC: The Why, How, and What Now

EBT, SNAP, and WIC: The Why, How, and What Now Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) is an electronic system that allows a recipient to authorize the transfer of their government benefits from a Federal account to a retailer account to pay for products received. EBT is used in all 50 States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and Guam and has been implemented in all States since June 2004. By Jonathan Fleming, Director of […]

Prevent Malware: Upgrade Network Security Devices

Prevent Malware: Upgrade Network Security Devices Malware Notice on Over 500,000 Network Devices: Upgrade Your Network Security Devices Today In order to keep you informed of new developments in security risk, please be aware that there has recently been active router malware dubbed “VPNFilter” making the rounds that affects consumer-grade routers made by Linksys, MikroTik, Netgear, TP-Link and other on network-attached storage devices. According to researchers at Cisco and Symantec, hackers possibly working for an advanced […]

Troubleshooting SQL Database Connection Issues

Troubleshooting SQL Database Connection Issues If you are receiving the “Connect to Server” error when working with your SQL database connection, there are a few basic troubleshooting tips for you to follow that may help to resolve the database connection issues. Below are five steps you can take to troubleshoot the connection. If you need more advanced assistance after taking these steps, our technical services team can help.  By Josh Plumlee, Service Technician When you […]

Store and Forward Versus Offline Support

Store and Forward Versus Offline Support Does your payment solution offer Store and Forward functionality or Offline Support? If you are unsure about this, it’s time to check. What will happen to your store if the internet stops working? You can’t make a credit card sale without the internet. What happens if your store server breaks down? You can’t complete transactions if your store database is offline. By Eric Linscheid, Quality Assurance Engineer When your […]

Go Mobile with the Touch Dynamic Quest Tablet and Vantiv VIPay

Go Mobile with the Touch Dynamic Quest Tablet and Vantiv VIPay Compatible with Microsoft RMS and Retail Management Hero software solutions, the Quest III Windows tablet will help you line bust and manage inventory from an encrypted tablet POS solution! New West has teamed up with Touch Dynamic and Vantiv (now Worldpay) merchant services to present our configuration of the Quest III tablet point of sale solution. Installed with Microsoft RMS or Retail Management Hero […]