Abernathy’s Northwest Hobbies – Microsoft RMS Case Study

Abernathy’s Northwest Hobbies – Microsoft RMS Case Study

Making RC Hobby Sales Stronger, Faster and Better with Microsoft RMS

Inventory tracking for a hobby shop can be a daunting task. With so many tiny parts to manage, the day-to-day business might be overwhelming. By implementing Microsoft RMS, Abernathy’s Northwest Hobbies was able to decrease the time required for inventory management. Integration with their website also allowed for more robust order tracking and fulfillment, in turn creating more satisfied customers and employees.

Microsoft Dynamics RMS Store Operations enables cashiers to process transactions and store managers to maintain tight control over inventory, pricing, and suppliers, in addition to promotions, customer information, and reporting. It is the perfect way to more efficiently manage every aspect of your operations, from point-of-sale solutions to back-end inventory management and financials.